Hi, I’m Ishaan! My research interest is primarily in simulation testing of autonomous vehicles. I have completed two Summer internships at Ford Next (which is Ford’s autonomy and mobility division) in the simulation team. The details about my background are mentioned in my CV.
A significant project in my research was Cruzway where my contribution was in the procedural road generation tool.
New Paper: ScenarioQA. Presented at IEEE ITSC 2024
Safety and Scenario Based Testing for Autonomous Vehicles
Fully functioning autonomous vehicles (AVs) will bring about a significant change in our society’s transportation systems. Fully functioning can be described as L4 level (and above) of driving automation, according to the SAE J3016 taxonomy The graphic below summarizes the automation levels. An app-based cab service with fully functioning AVs would not need to pay the driver thereby dropping prices significantly. Cruise, an AV company (owned by GM) currently operates in San Francisco as an app-based transport service. The company reports an example of a 1.3 mile trip costing $8.72 (compared to an Uber costing $10.41 that this article author reports). Typically in such apps, pricing depends significantly on factors which change with time such as the ratio of cab and rider availability, location, tax rates among other factors. Probably, the most promising implication of widespread adoption of L4+ AVs would be reduced traffic accidents.
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